Logging in and Logging Out - Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

Using the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In requires you to log in to Hyland IdP to connect to the enterprise content management system (ECM). Once you are finished using the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In, you may log out of the ECM using the About page.

Note: If you are not already logged in to the ECM, you are prompted to log in automatically when using features that require it in the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In. You do not need to log in manually from the About page before accessing other features of the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In.

To log in to or log out of Hyland IdP from the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In:

  1. Access the About page of the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you are logging out of the Hyland IdP, click Logout.
    • If you are logging in to the Hyland IdP, click Login.
    If logging in, a pop-up window with the Hyland login screen is displayed for entering credentials.
    Note: If the login pop-up window does not display, check to see if the pop-up was blocked.