Importing Messages - Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

The Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In allows you to import text, images, and attached files from an email message in Microsoft® Outlook using the Import Message function. When used on a selected email, the Import Message function saves the entire email and all attached files into the Hyland content repository as a single .eml file. You can also assign Keywords and Document Types to the email as you are importing it.

To import an email into the Hyland content repository using the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In:

  1. Open the email you would like to import into the Hyland content repository.
  2. Open the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In by doing one of the following:
    • In the message header, click the Apps icon and select [Add-In Name] > Import Message, where [Add-In Name] is the name of the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In.
      Note: By default, the add-in is named Hyland Content.
    • In the message header, click the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In shortcut icon and select Import Message.
    The Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In sidebar is displayed.
  3. If you are not already logged in, a pop-up window with the Hyland IdP login screen is displayed. Enter your Hyland IdP account credentials.
    If you are already logged in, skip to step 5.
    Note: If the login pop-up window does not display and you are not already logged in, check to see if the pop-up was blocked.
  4. Click Login.
    The pop-up window is closed.
  5. Under Content Type Group, select the Document Type Group that you would like to associate with the imported email file.
  6. Under Content Type, select the Document Type that you would like to associate with the imported email file.
  7. Fill out the remaining information depending on the selected Document Type and Document Type Group.
  8. Click Import.
    A message is displayed stating that the import is complete.
  9. Click Close.