Browsers - Perceptive AP Invoice Approval - 2.8 - 2.8 - Ready - Other - external

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval Technical Specifications

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval

Supported browser versions for Perceptive AP Invoice Approval 2.8 are listed. However, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest patch of the supported browsers. Note that some browsers release automatic updates and some browsers no longer support version numbers. Browser versions that update automatically after you install Perceptive Experience are also assumed to work, unless otherwise noted. Contact Hyland Technical Support if you experience browser incompatibility.

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval 2.8 is compatible with the following desktop and mobile browsers.

Desktop browsers

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval 2.8 is compatible with the following desktop browsers.

  • Mozilla Firefox 126.x (Microsoft Windows OS)
  • Google Chrome 125.x (Microsoft Windows OS)
  • Apple Safari (Mac OS 14.0)
  • Microsoft Edge 125.x

Mobile browsers

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval 2.8 is compatible with the following mobile browsers.

  • Apple Safari (iOS 17.3 for iPhone)
  • Apple Safari (iOS 17.0 for iPad)
  • Android OS (14.0 for Mobile, 13.0 for Tablet)