Configure the AP Invoice Approval Connector - Perceptive AP Invoice Approval - 2.8 - 2.8 - Ready - Other - external

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval User Guide

Perceptive AP Invoice Approval

To configure the AP Invoice Approval Connector, complete the following steps.

  1. In a browser, type the Perceptive Connect Runtime Web Console address in the format http://<PerceptiveConnectRuntimeHostname>:<port>.
    Note: If prompted for user name and password, enter the log-in credentials. The default user name and password are set as admin.
  2. In the Perceptive Connect Runtime home page, in the left pane, under Manage, select Configure.
  3. In the Configuration page, complete the following substeps.
    1. Under AP Approval Connector, select Approval Connector Configuration.
    2. In the Integration Server URL box, provide the URL address of the Integration Server that points to your Perceptive Content Server.
      Note: This is the same URL address that you provided during configuring Integration Server in Perceptive Connect Runtime.
    3. In the Task Type box, type the task template type name you created in Perceptive Content, such as AP Approval.
      Note: You can add multiple names using comma separation.
    4. In the Form Name box, type the form name you created in Perceptive Content such as AP Invoice.
    5. From the Deletion Interval Period list, select the day of the week on which you want the scheduler to run. Selecting None voids scheduling.
    6. In the Scheduler Start Time box, enter the start time. You can control the scheduler start time by entering the time value in the 24-hour format.
    7. In the History Deletion Period box, enter a duration, in days, for which you want to delete the historical data. The system deletes all data older than the specified time.
    8. In the Assigned Task Cache Duration box, provide the time duration, in minutes, for which the assigned tasks are cached.
    9. In the Completed Task Cache Duration box, provide the time duration, in minutes, for which the completed tasks are cached.
    10. In the Returned Task Cache Duration box, provide the time duration, in minutes, for which the returned tasks are cached.
    11. In the Cache Size box, provide a size limit, in MB, for the cache.
    12. In the Maximum Assigned Task Count box, provide a number which determines the maximum number of assigned tasks fetched.
    13. In the Maximum Completed Task Count box, provide a number which determines the maximum number of completed tasks fetched.
    14. In the Maximum Returned Task Count box, provide a number which determines the maximum number of returned tasks fetched.
    15. In the Request Validation Configuration box, provide the following values:
      Key Description
      actionOnTasks:userName Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Username.
      actionOnTasks:itemId Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Task ID of a document.
      actionOnTasks:comment Regular expression to denote free text comments during Approve or Reject actions.
      actionOnTasks:reason Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content ID for each member of the Reason Lists of a Task.
      searchFilter:id Regular expression for an ID, which is autosaved in the database when a Search Filter is created. This is typically a UUID.
      searchFilter:userName Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Username.
      searchFilter:filterName Regular expression to denote the name of the Search Filter, which is created.
      searchFilter:filterConditions:value Regular expression to denote the value of the filter condition with which a search is performed.
      searchFilter:filterConditions:field Regular expression to denote the invoice header name of the filter condition with which a search is performed.
      searchFilter:filterConditions:operator Regular expression to denote the operator of the filter condition with which a search is performed.
      searchFilter:filterConditions:conditionId Regular expression to denote the ID of the Filter Condition, which is auto-generated when a Filter Condition is created. This is typically an integer.
      searchFilter:clause Regular expression to denote the logical relation between the filter conditions. It follows a typical format of [Condition ID 1] AND [Condition ID 2].
      userName Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Username.
      documentID Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Document ID.
      approvalItemID Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Task ID.
      externalOps:id Regular expression to denote a Perceptive Content Task ID.
    16. Select Save.