Perceptive Content Business Insight allows you to present your Perceptive Content data using a ready-torun library of reports as well as the reports created by your Business Insight Author user. In Business Insight, you can view, run, schedule, and archive instances of the reports used in your enterprise. Flexible output allows you to run, view, and save instances of a report as an HTML page, a PDF document, a comma-separated file (CSV), an XML file, or as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You can then distribute instances of the report instantly using email, shared file locations, or FTP.
With Business Insight, high-level dashboards, self-service report tools, and other flexible options enable your organization to evaluate and improve the efficiency of content-related routines. Perceptive Content Business Insight allows you to present your Perceptive Content data using a ready-to-run library of reports as well as the reports created by your Business Insight Author user.