A number of log files and logging levels can assist you in troubleshooting Fax Agent. Perceptive Content writes the log files for Fax Agent to Perceptive Content local log directory $(IMAGENOWLOCALDIR6)\log. Reference the following log files when debugging issues:
- inserverFax_<instance name>_<date>.log is created by Fax Agent. This log is controlled by inserverFax.ini.
- fax.agent_<instance name>_<date>.log is created by Perceptive Content for each Fax Agent connecting with it. This log is controlled by inserver.ini.
- fax.agent_<heartbeat>_<instance name>_<date>.log
- fax.agent_upload_<instance name>_<date>.log
- fax.agent_<r_0_<instance name>_<date>.log
- InowBfvDebug_<date>.log tracks the Brooktrout API. This log is controlled by inserverFax.ini.
- Perceptive Content Server creates user logs for each user.
When Fax Agent encounters failed faxes from the fax outbound and channel## directories, these files are often orphaned. When a fax that is sent either outbound or inbound is not successful, the failed fax nodes are moved to the \fax\failed directory within the Fax Agent installation directory. This occurs so that the inserverFax service does not require a restart. Using the failed directory also prevents the failed fax nodes from being brought into the system.