Install Fax Agent unattended - Fax Agent Installation and Setup Guide - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Fax Agent Installation and Setup Guide

Perceptive Content
Fax Agent Installation and Setup Guide
Foundation 24.1

Installing Fax Agent silently is an automatic way to run unattended installations. If you follow the procedures below, you will not install Fax Agent using a standard installation wizard interface. Using this silent installation method, you can do a custom installation or use a combination of default and customized settings. To run the unattended installation, complete the following steps.

  1. Set up your argument values to customize the unattended installation. If you do not manually set argument values, then the default values are used during the installation.
    Note: For information on configuring RabbitMQ arguments for unattended installations, see the Perceptive Content Server Installation Guide.
    Argument Description Default Example
    INSTALLDIR The default and recommended installation directory is [drive:]\inserver. [drive:]\inserver INSTALLDIR=C:\inserver
    SHARED_INSTALLDIR This is the install directory of your common files in an active-active environment. The value of INSTALLDIR SHARED_INSTALLDIR =S:\inserver

    Specifies whether Fax Agent will be installed on the same machine as Perceptive Content Server.

    If set to TRUE, Fax Agent and Perceptive Content Server are installed on different machines.

    If set to FALSE, Fax Agent and Perceptive Content Server are installed on the same machine.

    INF_SERVER.IP.ADDRESS Perceptive Content Server IP address INF_SERVER.IP.ADDRESS=
    INF_SERVER.IP.PORT Perceptive Content Server port 6000 INF_SERVER.IP.PORT=6000
    ODBC.DBMS Sets the database management system for Perceptive Content. This value should be set to either SQLServer or Oracle. SQLServer ODBC.DBMS=Oracle
    ODBC.DSN The ODBC name. Perceptive Content ODBC.DSN=\"Perceptive Content\"
    ODBC.USER.ID The ODBC username. inuser ODBC.USER.ID=inuser
    ODBC.USER.PASSWORD The ODBC password.   ODBC.USER.PASSWORD=so mepassword
    AUTH.TOKEN Specifies the authentication token used when establishing an agent session. REMOTE agent installation requires you to set either AUTH.TOKEN,AUTH.TOKEN.ENCRYPTED or SKIP_AGENT_TO KEN_AUTH_VALI DATION. AUTH.TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJS UzI1NiIsIm… aRjXefXOFGrgZ A"
    AUTH.TOKEN.ENCRYPED Specifies an encrypted value of token authentication.   AUTH.TOKEN.ENCRYPTED= "01d54d4b1a9f8952a5beaa58 7846eaffda"
  2. Enter the following command in a Command Prompt window.
     FaxAgentSetup.exe /s /V "<argument list>"

    The following example shows the command with a defined argument list

    FaxAgentSetup.exe /s /V"/qb INSTALLDIR=\"C:\inserver\"
  3. Verify your installation.