Enable barcode detection for scanning profiles - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

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Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

To enable Kofax or Pixel barcode detection in a scanning profile, complete the following steps.

Your scanner hardware and software must support image processing to use barcode detection. If the scanning profile does not already exist, you must create it before you begin this procedure.
  1. On the Perceptive Content toolbar, click Settings > Options.
  2. In the ImageNow Options dialog box, perform the following substeps:
    1. In the left pane, click Capture.
    2. On the General tab, under Scanning Profiles, click Manage Profile List.
  3. In the Scanning Profile Manager dialog box, select the scanning profile for which you want to enable barcode detection and click Modify.
  4. In the Scanning Profile dialog box, on the Properties tab in the DPI box, select 300 for optimal barcode recognition.
  5. Configure the barcode detection using one of the following options, depending on the situation:
    Situation Steps
    Enable barcode detection in CaptureNow Adrenaline (Kofax)
    1. On the Properties tab, in the Sides list, select either Simplex or Duplex.
    2. On the Advanced tab, and under Image Processing Filters, select the Barcode Detection check box.
    3. Double-click Barcode Detection.
    4. In the Bar Code Properties dialog box, under Recognition, verify that the Enable check box is selected.
    5. Select the Learn check box.
    6. Under Search Direction, select the 0, 90, 180, and 270 check boxes.
    7. Under Bar Code Algorithm, verify that Enhanced Bar Codes is selected.
    8. Under Type, select and add the barcode types.
    Configure barcodes for a Simplex scanning profile in cCaptureNow ISIS (Pixel)
    1. On the Properties tab, in the Sides list, select Simplex.
    2. On the Image Processing tab, next to Front, click Modify.
    3. In the Image Processing Configuration dialog box, under Available Filters, click Barcode Detection > Add.
    4. Under Selected Filters, click Barcode Detection > Configure.
    5. In the Barcode Detection - Properties dialog box, under Check the following symbologies, select the barcode types.
    6. Under Orientation, select the barcode orientations you want, and then verify that the Decode Symbol check box is selected and then click OK until you return to the Scanning Profile dialog box.
    Configure barcodes for a Duplex scanning profile in cCaptureNow ISIS (Pixel)
    1. On the Properties tab, in the Sides list, select Duplex.
    2. On the Image Processing tab, next to Front, click Modify.
    3. In the Image Processing Configuration dialog box, under Available Filters, click Barcode Detection > Add.
    4. Under Selected Filters, click Barcode Detection > Configure.
    5. In the Barcode Detection - Properties dialog box, under Symbologies To Check, select the barcode types.
    6. Under Orientation, select the barcode orientations you want, and then verify that the Decode Symbol check box is selected and then click OK until you return to the Scanning Profile dialog box.
    7. Configure any additional barcode detection filters you need.
    Note: The available options vary by scanner type. For detailed help, press the F1 key while in the Bar Code Properties dialog box.
  6. Click OK until you return to the Perceptive Content toolbar.