Enable barcodes for document properties in Batch mode - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

CaptureNow can detect one or more barcodes during the scanning process, and assign barcode data to specified document property values. To enable cCaptureNow to assign barcode data to document property values during batch capture, complete the following steps.

If the capture profile does not already exist, you must create it before you begin this procedure.
  1. On the Perceptive Content toolbar, click Capture > Manage Capture Profiles.
  2. Capture Profiles Modify.
  3. In the capture profile, on the Document Keys tab, perform the following substeps: dialog box, select the capture profile for which you want to enable barcode options and click
    1. Double-click a property for which you want to assign barcode data.
    2. In the Key Definition dialog box, in the Type list, select Barcode.
    3. In the Value box, specify a filter to identify a barcode and to optionally parse the barcode data.
      If a page includes only one barcode and you do not want to parse barcode data, type 1. For additional details, refer to Barcode triggers in CaptureNow
    4. Click OK.
  4. Repeat the previous substeps for each document property for which you want to assign barcode data.
  5. Click OK until you return to the Perceptive Content toolbar.