Adjust the patchcode offset - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

The option to adjust the patchcode offset applies only to Kofax scanning drivers. The Left Offset to Center of Patch Code setting is a measurement in inches from the left edge of the page that defines a point that falls near the center of the patchcode. The offset value allows the patchcode detection feature to quickly locate the patchcode on the page. This offset can be any value between 0 and the maximum page width, in inches. A value of 0 specifies searching anywhere in the horizontal direction for a patchcode. To adjust the offset value for a patchcode, complete the following steps.

If the scanning profile does not already exist, you must create it before you begin this procedure.
  1. On the Perceptive Content toolbar, click Settings > Options.
  2. In the ImageNow Options dialog box, in the left pane, click Capture.
  3. On the General tab, under Scanning Profiles, click Manage Profile List.
  4. In the Scanning Profile Manager dialog box, select the scanning profile and click Modify.
  5. In the Scanning Profile dialog box, on the Advanced tab, under Image Processing Filters, double-click Patchcode Detection.
  6. In the Patch Code Properties (Advanced) dialog box, select the Enable check box.
  7. In the Left Offset to Center of Patch Code (in) box, type or select the number of inches the patchcode is offset from the left edge of the page. If you are unsure of this setting, leave this set to zero.
  8. Click OK until you close the Scanning Profile Manager dialog box.