Test a scanner - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

To test a scanner, complete one of the following procedures based on the applicable driver type.

Before you begin either procedure, ensure that any applicable scanner drivers are installed.
  1. To test a scanner that uses a Kofax driver, complete the following steps.
    1. On the Start menu, click All > Programs > Kofax VRS > VCDemo.
    2. In VCDemo, click Source > Scanner.
    3. Select the source you want to use.
    4. Click OK.
    5. When the scanner icon appears, insert one or more documents in the scanner.
    6. Click Source > Process Batch. The result determines your next action:
    7. If configured properly, the scanner scans and displays the documents. You installed the scanner successfully.
    8. If an error appears, the ISIS driver or Kofax driver is not properly configured.
  2. To test a scanner that uses a Pixel driver, complete the following steps.
    1. Insert a document in the scanner.
    2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the \WINDOWS\pixtran directory and double-click the Testappn.exe file.
    3. In the Test App - <driver name> dialog box, in the lower-left pane, under Tests, perform the following steps:
    4. Click Is Page Loaded?.
      The result determines your next action.
    5. If configured correctly, the message Page detected in feeder displays. Click OK.
    6. If an error displays, the SCSI card, ISIS driver, or Pixel driver is not configured property.
    7. Click Scan Page. The result determines your next action.
    8. If configured correctly, the scanner scans and displays the page and the message Done!displays. Click OK.
    9. If an error displays, the SCSI card, ISIS driver, or Pixel driver is not properly configured.