Scanning terminology - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

The following terms are commonly used when configuring and installing scanners for Perceptive Content.

Adrenaline Image Processing Engine uses image processing filters to clean the images in a predefined way before the pages are processed by the scanner and allows you to read barcodes and patchcodes.
Master configuration files
The configuration files located in inclient on the originating computer that include logon profiles, capture profiles, scanning profiles, and custom settings.
Originating computer
The computer on which master configuration files were created and from which you are moving or copying files.
Scanner token
The part of the CaptureNow hardware license for the scanner stored in the intkinfo.dat file and Perceptive Content database tables.
Target computer
The computer to which you are moving or copying files to (typically a new computer).
User configuration files
The files that are included in the Windows user profile folder.
Virtual Re-Scan straightens and cleans the scanned images using artificial intelligence software processing after the pages are processed by the scanner.
Windows user profile folder
The folder located in the C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\ImageNow directory on an Perceptive Content computer.