Troubleshoot scanner configuration - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

Use this topic as a troubleshooting guide after you set up or modify scanner configuration settings, or when errors appear while installing or testing a scanner in Perceptive Content.

A yellow question mark appears in the Windows Device Manager

Cause Resolution
The scanner is not completely installed. Typically, the INF file associated with the scanner is missing. This error may appear for the Canon DS2500 and other older scanners. To resolve this issue, download the ISIS/TWAIN drivers and INF for Windows files from

Common errors in Kofax device installation

When I try to install Kofax Adrenaline, a Sentinel installation failed message appears.

Cause Resolution
If this message appears, the Sentinel Driver might already be installed or an older driver from the CD was not installed. You can disregard this message. However, if the issue persists, follow the instructions for manually installing the Sentinel drivers.

When I try to install Kofax Adrenaline, a message indicating that I need administrative privileges to install the drivers appears.

Cause Resolution
The SCSI card cannot be verified. Continue the installation, restart the computer, and verify the SCSI card is listed in Windows Device Manager. If it is not, install the drivers by inserting the Kofax CD and running the setup application on the Adrenaline drivers.

Kofax or one of its drivers could not be installed.

Cause Resolution
You do not have a Windows account that is part of the Local Administrators group. To install Kofax, you must have a Windows account that is part of the Local Administrators group. You can manually install the three main drivers that are installed with Kofax.
You need to download the Sentinel Hardware Key Drivers. You can download the drivers from SafeNets web site using the following URL.

The drivers are located under Sentinel Protection Installer v7.4.0.
You need to download the ASPI layer drivers. This may be downloaded from the Adaptec web site.

Kofax Adrenaline 650 does not appear in the Windows Device Manager.

Cause Resolution
During the installation, the Windows Account did not have the necessary access rights for the correct placement.
  1. Check to see if SCSI card is listed under a name that is not Adrenaline Kofax 650 (such as Initio Ultra SCSI Host Adapter). If so, the Adrenaline drivers did not get installed.
  2. To correct this, install the drivers by inserting the Kofax CD and running the setup application on the Adrenaline drivers.

If you can not run the setup program, log off and use the built-in Windows Administrator account for the computer without network access. This step prevents any Group Policies from overwriting your permissions. If the error persists, contact Perceptive Software Product Support for assistance contacting Kofax Support.

An "Error Writing Data" message appears in the VCDemo (Error 20099)

Cause Resolution
You do not have access to the Kofax folder or to the Kofax registry keys. To provide access, add the user to the list of Windows Power Users or consult the Kofax knowledgebase web site using the following URL:

A "There is no dongle connected" message appears in the VCDemo (Error 20452)

Cause Resolution
The Sentinel drivers are out of date Check the SCSI card, cables, and dongle if you are using one. If the error message persists, update the Sentinel Drivers from SafeNets web site using the following URL.

An error message indicating the product license does not include image processing appears in the VCDemo (Error 20451)

Cause Resolution
If you are using a Kofax VRS Professional Workgroup or Production license, you need to activate the license.

Click Start > All Programs > Kofax VRS > Activate VRS.

If you are using a SCSI 650i card, some of the Kofax drivers might not be installed. Go to Windows Device Manager and look for the SCSI card. If it is not listed, install the drivers by inserting the Kofax CD and running the setup application on the Adrenaline drivers.

An "Unknown ISIS Drivers" message appears in the VCDemo (Error 20393)

Cause Resolution
The ISIS drivers may be corrupted and you must reinstall the drivers
