Configure Package Mode with Scan Prompter overview - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

To enable users to scan pages using Package Mode while Scan Prompter guides them through the process, complete the following sequence of procedures.

  1. Create a manual application plan or Create a LearnMode application plan.
  2. Create a scanning profile for each type of scanner used to scan pages into Package Mode.
  3. Create a Package Mode capture profile from Scanner source overview.
  4. Create a basket group.
  5. Create a basket for a basket group.
  6. Create a package scanning document rule and associate it with the basket group.
  7. Specify an application plan for Package mode or specify to allow a user to select an application plan at the time of capture.
  8. Optional. Distribute a client-based capture or scanning profile if the scanning and capture profiles you create for Package mode apply to multiple workstations.