Distributing a client-based capture or scanning profile to multiple Perceptive Content workstations eliminates the need to manually create or modify the profiles on each workstation. To use ImageNow Server, complete the following steps.
You must configure a set of scanning workstations
and create a master capture or scanning profile.
- On the ImageNow Server computer, in the inserver directory, create a folder named Profiles.
In the inserver
\Profiles directory,
create a folder for each profile that you want to distribute or update.
For example, ScanningProfiles, ReviewProfiles, and ViewProfiles.
- On the originating computer, in Perceptive Content, create the capture and scanning profiles.
- Close Perceptive Content.
Navigate to your ImageNow workpath and perform the following
substeps. Depending on your configuration, your work path may be %appdata%\ImageNow,\Documents
and Settings\<username>, or a location you configured
in the inowsystem.ini file.
- In a text editor such as Notepad, open the inscan.xml and indevice.xml files.
In each file, specify the following parameters where the
<name> value matches a folder name you
created earlier:
<versionInfo> <name>ScanningProfiles</name> <number>1</number> </versionInfo>
- Save and close the inscan.xml and indevice.xml files, and copy them to the corresponding folder you created.
- Open the ImageNow Server computer, in the inserver_etc directory.
Create a file named scan.ini and add the following lines:
;-------------beginning of file---------- [General] //0 - User //1 - Group //2 - Machine LookupMode=1 [Machine] SJones = ScanningHR TSmith = ScanningAP [Users] SJones = ScanningAP TSmith = ScanningAP [Groups] AP Scanning = ScanningAP HR Scanning = ScanningHR ;-------------end of file----------
Note: When you create the scan.ini file, you must choose one of the following distribution methods: User, Group, or Machine. Only one distribution method can be used at a time. Additionally, you need to order the list of groups based on the capture profile assignment priority. For more information about distributing profiles to groups, see Example 1 and Example 2 below.1: User A is a member of the following ImageNow groups: Reviewing, Scanning, and Viewing. You want to assign the "Scanning" group capture profiles to User A. To configure the groups in the [Groups] list, as shown here:[Groups] ScanningProfiles ReviewProfiles ViewProfiles
ImageNow evaluates the [Groups] list based on the order. In Example1, because User A is a member of the "Scanning" group, the "Scanning Profiles" profile is assigned to User A. Perceptive Content groups in the list.2: User B is a member of the following groups: Reviewing and Viewing. Using the scan.ini file in Example1, Perceptive Content first checks to see if User B is a member of the "Scanning" group. Since User B is not a member of this group, Perceptive Content continues through the list. Because User B is a member of the "Reviewing" group, the second group in the [Groups] list, User B receives the "Review Profiles." Although User A and User B are both members of the "Viewing" group, they do not receive the "View Profiles" because the "Scanning" and "Reviewing" group profiles are listed first.Note: When entering the machine name in scan.ini, do not include the domain name (such as PC01.psinet.com). Domain names may prevent capture profiles from being properly distributed. -
To distribute the indevice.xml and inscan.xml files, under [General],
assign one of the following distribution methods:
- To distribute the files to the users specified in the [Users] section, for the LookupMode statement, specify 0.
- To distribute the files to the groups of users specified in the [Groups] section, for the LookupMode statement, specify 1.
- To distribute the files to the computers listed in the [Machines] section, for the LookupMode statement, specify 2.
- Save and close the scan.ini file.
- On the ImageNow Server computer, copy the files you added to the inserver Profiles directory and place them in the \Documents and Settings\<username> directory of each target computer.
To modify an existing distribution profile, increase the <number> value
in the header areas of the inscan.xml and indevice.xml files
located in the in the inserver
Profiles directory.
Users receive the updates after their next login.