Annotation templates allow users to add standardized annotations to an item.
Users can annotate an item without affecting the original image. Each annotation requires an annotation template.
You specify the security options based on the template. In the annotation template, you can grant users or groups the privilege to create, delete, hide, modify and view specific annotation templates.
For example, you can create a Stamp template with the following text: Received by Accounts Payable. You can set the template security so that only users in the Accounts Payable group can use, modify, or delete annotations created using that Stamp template. If you do not grant users in the Human Resources access to view stamps created using that stamp template, those users cannot view, modify, or delete this annotation.
You can remove an annotation template from the Management Console list displayed to users without deleting the template completely. You can also remove (without deleting) an annotation type such as check, stamp, or line from the Annotation toolbar.