What is a custom property? - Manage Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Documents

Perceptive Content
Manage Documents
Foundation 24.1

A custom property is a property field that is populated with data relating to an item or container.

A custom property allows you to store unlimited data beyond the standard item properties or container structure. You make custom properties available to items and containers by assigning them to item types or container types.

You can define a custom property using one of the following data types: Composite, Date, Flag, List, Number, String, and User. Formatting settings let you control the data entry and display appearance of the custom property for viewing by your end users. If you choose the Composite data type, you can create a composite property that is a single property that contains one or more custom properties. Some data types require default values. For others, default values are optional.

Suppose, for example, that the Human Resources Department has a "New Hire" folder type that is used to create a folder for each new employee. When Human Resources hires a new Marketing director, the user creates a new folder using the New Hire folder type and enters the following custom property values in Perceptive Content for the folder:

  • A string custom property for "Job Title" with the value "Marketing Director".
  • A date custom property for "Date of Hire" with the value "05/08/2012".

As another example, a document assigned with the "Medical Enrollment Form" document type is added to each new employee's folder. When the new employee completes the form, the user enters the following custom property values in Perceptive Content for the document:

  • A list custom property for "Plan Year" with the value "2012".
  • A date custom property for "Coverage Start Date" with the value "06/01/2012".