The statistical functions you can define depend on the data type of the column values. To add a statistic for a custom property column, you must first add the custom property column to the view. The following statistics are available for the specified data types.
Statistical functions
- Average
- This function calculates the average of the column values.
- Column value data type
- Numeric
- Sample columns
- Summary Task Count
- Count
- This function counts the number of values in the search results grid that match the selected variable (you must select a variable for this statistical function).
- Column value data type
- String, list, flag
- Sample columns
- Folder Name
- Count Future
- This function counts the number of the column's date values that occur in the future.
- Column value data type
- Date
- Sample columns
- Next Task Due
- Count Past
- This function counts the number of the column's date values that occur in the past.
- Column value data type
- Date
- Sample columns
- Created
- First
- This function distinguishes the earliest date in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Date
- Sample columns
- Modified
- Last
- This function distinguishes the latest date in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Date
- Sample columns
- Checked In
- Maximum
- This function distinguishes the largest numeric value in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Numeric
- Sample columns
- Pages
- Median
- The function distinguishes the middle value in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Sample columns
- Current Version
- Minimum
- This function distinguishes the smallest numeric value in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Numeric
- Sample columns
- Days Until Due
- Mode
- This function distinguishes the most frequently occurring numeric value in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Numeric
- Sample columns
- Summary Task Count
- Next
- This function distinguishes the next sequential date value in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Date
- Sample columns
- Status Changed
- Previous
- This function distinguishes the previous sequential date value in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Date
- Sample columns
- Completed
- Sum
- This function calculates the total of the values in the column's search results.
- Column value data type
- Numeric
- Sample columns
- Pages