To remove the restrictions for the document and folder types users can add to folders of a specific type, complete the following steps.
- In Management Console, in the left pane, under Select Department, select a department from the list.
- In the left pane, click Folder Types tab, click New.
In the right pane, do any of the following options.
Situation Steps Remove document type restrictions - In the right pane, on the Folder Types tab, select the folder type and click Modify.
- In the Folder Type dialog box, on the Document Types tab, clear the Allow only selected document types check box.
- Click OK.
Remove subfolder type restrictions - On the Hierarchy tab, under Structure, in the Display list, select the drawer that contains the folder type.
- Under the name of the folder type from which you want to remove restrictions, select a folder type and click Remove.
- Continue to remove folder types until none appear under the folder type that you do not want to restrict.
- To apply your changes to the hierarchy, click Save.