After you create a picklist and assign a number of access control markings to it, you must apply that picklist to the intended record type, record folder type, or record category type in File Plan Designer before you can assign any of the markings.
When you apply picklists to a type, then all markings contained in those lists are available for assignment to instances of that type, as long as you have the Assign privileges to those markings. One picklist can be assigned to as many record category types, record folder types, or record types as you want.
Picklists are unique to their type, regardless of the file plan structure. Nested children do not inherit available picklists from their parents’ type. When you apply a picklist to a record category type or record folder type, the markings that type contains will not become available for assignment to record folders and records within instances of that type. You must specifically assign a picklist to a child record folder type or record type to use its markings with those instances.
While file plan elements do not inherit applied picklists, they do inherit assigned access control markings. When you assign an access control marking to a record category or record folder, the marking applies to every file plan element within the container.