What are access control markings? - Manage Records - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Records

Perceptive Content
Manage Records
Foundation 24.1

Access control markings are a feature of Records Manager that can block some users from being able to access, or even to detect, certain sections of the file plan hierarchy.

Access control markings assigned to records, record folders, and record categories prohibit users who lack access to those same markings from detecting or modifying those records, record folders, and record categories. Whenever an administrator assigns access control markings to a record, record folder, or record category, no trace of that item will be visible to any users who lack the Access privilege for even one of the markings assigned to the item. For example, if a record folder has the markings “Classified,” “Secret,” and “Top Secret,” a user must have the Access privilege for “Classified,” “Secret,” and “Top Secret,” respectively, for the record folder to display in the file plan hierarchy.

While somewhat similar to privileges in concept, this feature differs from ordinary privileges in that administrators assign access control markings to deny access to an item or directory, rather than grant users access to a feature. Items with assigned markings function normally for users who have the Access privileges for each required marking.