A picklist is a grouping of access control markings assigned to a record type, record folder type, or record category type. For additional security, you can assign the access control markings individually to any instance of the selected type.
You create a set of access control markings called a picklist. You can apply as many picklists as you want to any record type, record folder type, and record category type. The markings from each picklist applied to a type reside in a single list of selectable markings associated with that type. You can select which markings from that list to assign to individual instances of that type.
In addition, you can apply a picklist to unlimited record types, record folder types, or record category types. After you create an access control marking in a picklist, you cannot move that access control marking or create another with an identical name in a different picklist. In order to add that access control marking to a different picklist, you must first delete the marking from its initial picklist.
If you remove a picklist from a type, Perceptive Content removes all access control markings in the picklist that were assigned to instances of that type from those instances. Similarly, if you remove a single access control marking from a picklist, Perceptive Content removes the marking from each assigned instance in the system.
For example, if you wanted to make access control markings that allow only certain levels of management to access some records, you could create a picklist named “Clearance,” and create several access control markings for the list, such as “Project A,” “Payroll,” and “Employment Contracts.” After you apply the “Clearance” picklist to a particular record type, then you could assign the “Project A,” “Payroll,” and “Employment Contracts” markings to all records in that type.