The DoD Record mode instructs Import Agent to import XML files into Perceptive Content as records and record folders.
Import Agent uses DoD Record mode to organize acquired content into records and record folders. When you import a record, associated data such as record properties, physical file references, and access control markings are brought into Perceptive Content. Imported records are automatically added to the retention policy associated with the record category they are entering. You can also import connections between records. The connections exist in a separate XML file, and are only created if the records that are part of the connection are also in the import set and if the connection type exists on the target server. Imported records behave according to standard record functionality.
To use this mode, you must create a manifest file and save it in the import directory. The manifest file details the names or locations of XML files you want to import. There is no restriction on the number of imported record folders or records in one manifest file.
Import Agent automatically maps the records and record folders to existing record categories when importing records that were previously exported from Perceptive Content. If you are importing records into Perceptive Content from an external Records Management Application (RMA), you must provide organizational defined metadata and Perceptive Content file plan, record type, and record folder type names in the inserverImp.ini file. If Import Agent attempts to import records listed in the manifest file and cannot find relevant containers in Perceptive Content, the records are not imported.