File Plan Designer privilege combinations - Manage Records - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Records

Perceptive Content
Manage Records
Foundation 24.1

The privilege tables in this topic describe the individual privileges required for the tasks a user may need to complete in File Plan Designer. The user must have the privilege combinations listed in the tables to successfully complete the tasks.

Create a file plan

When you create a file plan, you can name the file plan and enter a description for that file plan. For any file plan that you create, you can also view and open, edit custom properties, edit the name, and choose the types for record categories or folders. Also, you can delete the file plan. To create a file plan, you must have the following privilege.

Privilege Result
Department > Manage > File Plans You can open File Plan Designer and create a file plan. For file plans that you create, you can also view and modify some information in the file plan.

View elements in a file plan

To view record categories or record folders in a file plan, you must have the combination of privileges listed in the table. Viewing elements does not allow you to create new elements.

Privilege Result
Department > Manage > File Plans You can open File Plan Designer.
File Plan > Content > Open You can open record categories or record folders in the file plan to modify the name or description.
File Plan > Content > Search You can view elements such as record categories or record folders in the file plan structure.
Record Category Type > Use and Record Folder Type > Use You can only view the record categories or folders for the selected types for which you have the Use privilege.

Create elements in a file plan

To create record categories or record folders in a file plan, you must have the combination of privileges listed in the table. After you create an element, if you do not have privileges to view elements in a file plan, you will not be able to see the elements in the file plan structure.

Privilege Result
Department > Manage > File Plans You can open File Plan Designer.
File Plan > Content > Open You can open file plan elements.
File Plan > Content > Search You can view elements such as record categories or record folders in a file plan.
File Plan > Content > Create/Append You can create elements in a file plan for which you also have the Use privilege for the specific type.
Record Category Type > Use and Record Folder Type > Use You can only create the record categories or record folders for the selected type.

View elements in a record folder or record category

To view elements in a record category or record folder, you must have the privilege combination in the following table. Modifying additional information such as name, description, cutoff, vital status, custom properties, or policy assignment requires additional privileges.

Privilege Result
Department > Manage > File Plans You can open File Plan Designer.
File Plan > Content > Open You can open file plan elements.
File Plan > Content > Search You can view elements in a file plan for which you also have the use privilege for the specific type.
Record Category Type > Use or Record Folder Type > Use You can modify the record categories or record folders for the selected type.

Modify record category names

In addition to the basic privileges to view record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privileges to modify record category or record folder names, you must have the following privilege.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Content > Rename You can change the name of an existing record category.
File Plan > Record Categories > Modify Properties You can change the name of an existing record category or folder.

Modify record folder name

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders in = File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege, to modify record category or record folder names.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Content > Rename You can change the name of an existing record category.

Modify descriptions

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to modify cutoff instructions.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Record Categories > Modify Properties You can update property values entered for properties associated with record categories or record folders.

Modify cutoff instructions

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to also allow the ability to modify cutoff instructions.

Privilege Result
Department > Records > Apply Cutoffs You can update cutoff instructions on a record category for which you also have the Use privilege for that type.

Modify record category custom properties

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to modify a record category custom property.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Content > Edit Custom Properties You can update custom property values entered for custom properties associated with record categories or record folders.
File Plan > Record Categories > Modify Properties You can update property values entered for properties associated with record categories or record folders.

Modify record folder custom properties

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to modify a record folder custom property, you must have the following privilege.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Content > Edit Custom Properties You can update custom property values entered for custom properties associated with record categories or record folders.

Modify the type assigned to a record folder or category

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to modify the type assigned to a record folder or category.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Content > Edit Type You can change the type of a record category or a record folder.

Modify the retention policy assigned to a record category

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to modify the retention policy assigned to a record category.

Privilege Result
Department > Records > Reassign Retention Policy You can update the disposition for a record category.

Modify record category notifications

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the following privilege to modify record category notifications.

Privilege Result
File Plan > Record Categories > Modify Notifications You can modify record category notifications.

Mark a folder or category as vital

In addition to the basic privileges to view record folders or record categories in File Plan Designer, you must have the modify privileges in addition to the following privilege to mark a folder or category as vital.

Privilege Result
Department > Records > Vital Records You can update the vital status or vital review date for a record category or record folder.

Delete a file plan

To delete file plans in Management Console, you must have the privileges listed in the following table.

Privilege Result
Department > Manage > File Plans You can delete a file plan.

Delete an element in a file plan

To delete record categories or record folders in a file plan, you must have the privileges listed in the following table.

Privilege Result
Department > Manage > File Plans You can open File Plan Designer.
File Plan > Content > Open You can open file plan elements.
File Plan > Content > Search You can view elements such as record categories or record folders in a file plan.
File Plan > Content > Delete You can delete elements in a file plan for which you also have the Use privilege for the type.
Record Category Type > Use and Record Folder Type > Use You can modify the record categories or record folders for the selected type.