To change an existing record type, complete the following steps.
- In Management Console, in the left pane, under Select Department, select a department from the list.
- In the left pane, click Records > Record Types.
- In the right pane, on the Record Types tab, select the record type you want to modify and click Modify.
On the General tab, do the following
- Optional. In the Name box, type in a new name.
- Optional. In the Description box, change the description as needed.
- Optional. Select or clear the Is active check box to make the record type active or inactive.
If the record type is inactive, you cannot assign it to a record. Existing records of this record type will not be affected by making the record type inactive. For example, the record will still return in a records search. -
Click the Custom Properties tab
and modify the custom properties as needed:
- To filter the custom properties in the Available list, in By Type, select the type of properties you want to display.
- To add a custom property, in the Available list, select a custom property and click Add.
- To make the custom property required, in the Added list, click the first column of a custom property to add the icon or click the icon to remove the requirement.
- To change the order of a custom property, in the Added list, click Move Up or Move Down.
- To remove a custom property from the list, in the Added list, select a custom property and then click Remove.
- Click OK.
- In the confirmation box, click Yes.