Set the closed state for record folders - Manage Records - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Manage Records

Perceptive Content
Manage Records
Foundation 24.1

You can close record folders to prevent further content from being added to it until the record folder is changed back to the Open state. By default, record folders are set to inherit the filing state from the parent folders in the file plan structure. To change the Closed state for a record folder, complete one of the following procedures.

You can change the Closed state for a record folder or in the following three locations in Perceptive Content.
Situation Action
Close or reopen in File Plan Designer
  1. In Management Console, in the left pane, under Select Department, select a department from the list.
  2. Select Records in the left pane and then click File Plans in the right pane.
  3. Select the desired file plan and click Modify. This action opens File Plan Designer.
  4. In File Plan Designer, find and right-click the record folder you want to modify.
  5. In the Modify Record Folder dialog box, click the Status tab.
  6. Under Closed State, select an option from the Set Closed State list.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click File > Save.
Close or reopen in ImageNow Explorer
  1. On the Perceptive Content toolbar, click Record Folders.
  2. In ImageNow Explorer, search for and select the record folder you want to modify.
  3. Click theProperties button.
  4. In the Record Folder Properties dialog box, click the Status tab.
  5. Under Closed State, select an option from the Set Closed State list.
  6. Click OK.
Close or reopen in a Viewer
  1. Locate and select the record folder you want to modify.
  2. Click theProperties button.
  3. In the Modify Record Folder dialog box, click the Status tab.
  4. Under Closed State, select an option from the Set Closed State list.
  5. Click OK.