When a retention policy is configured with a cutoff event, the cutoff state triggers a disposition action.
When a record folder enters a cutoff state, it also automatically enters a closed state. In a closed state, a user cannot add records to existing record folders. The cutoff state triggers the disposition for the retention policy associated with the record category.
You add cutoff instructions to the record category level in a file plan. The system applies the cutoff instructions to any record or record folder nested directly under the record category. Cutoff instructions consist of a date period, a rule based on properties associated to the nested record folder or record, or a combination of a date and rule. When a record or record folder in a file plan meets the requirements of the cutoff instructions, the system automatically processes the records, places them in a cutoff state, and the system triggers the disposition for the retention policy associated with the record category.
You can manually change the state of individual records or record folders independent of the cutoff instructions associated with the record category in a file plan. This allows you to change the state of the record prior to the automatic system cutoff. When you place a record in a cutoff state, the system triggers the disposition action associated with the retention policy. If you choose to manually cutoff a record, the system immediately triggers disposition regardless of the cutoff instructions. After a record reaches the cutoff state, you can manually reverse the cutoff to remove the record from qualifying for disposition actions.
To implement cutoff functionality, you must configure a record category with cutoff instructions. Those cutoff instructions determine the cutoff state for the records and folders located in that file plan structure. You must also configure a coordinating retention policy with an event based on that cutoff state or cutoff date.