OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol that is based on the OAuth 2.0 specification, but focuses on authentication rather than authorization. Through OpenID Connect, a client application can request and receive information from an OpenID Provider about end users that is narrowly scoped to what it needs. You can configure Perceptive Content and its client applications as OpenID clients that leverage OpenID Connect authentication.
You must register Perceptive Content clients with an OpenID Provider before you configure OpenID Connect authentication. Once registered and configured, Perceptive Content clients can leverage OpenID Providers for authentication. Perceptive Content supports the Authorization Code Flow and the Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). OpenID Providers release claims about end-users based on scopes that are requested by the Perceptive Content clients. Perceptive Content uses identity claims to map authenticated end-users to Perceptive Content users.