Configuring the Output Agent Service - Output Agent Installation and Setup Guide for Linux - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Output Agent Installation and Setup Guide for Linux

Perceptive Content
Output Agent Installation and Setup Guide for Linux
Foundation 24.1

To configure the Output Agent service using the inserverOutput.ini file, complete the following steps.

  1. Locate the inserverOutput.ini file in the $(IMAGENOWDIR)/etc directory and open it in a text editor.
  2. To set up Output Agent to be remotable, complete the following substeps:
    1. Browse under [Remote].
    2. Configure the remote settings so that you provide the IP address or name and the port number for Perceptive Content Server.
  3. Under [Monitor], perform the following substeps:
    1. For monitor.path, change the default to $(IMAGENOWDIR)/output_agent/monitor or specify a different directory where Output Agent checks for new output keyfiles.
    2. For monitor.extension, keep the default txt, or specify a new file extension for Output Agent to use to check for output keyfiles.
  4. Under [General], perform the following substeps:
    1. Set output.mode to EXPORT.
    2. For keyfile.move.path, change the default to $(IMAGENOWDIR)/output_agent/moved or specify a different directory where Output Agent stores executed keyfiles.
  5. Under [Printer], do not change the settings.
  6. Under [Dicom], do not change the settings.
  7. Under [Export], perform the following substeps:
    1. Set the output file type for export.file.type.
      For a list of the most commonly used output file formats, reference the [Export] group in Appendix A.
    2. Set export.file.extension to match the output file type, such as TIFF.
    3. For, change the default path to $(IMAGENOWDIR)/output_agent/export or specify a new location.
      The path you specify does not need to be on the local file system. Perceptive Content must have write permissions for the specified location. Also, the entire file path, which includes the file name and extension, cannot exceed the character limit set by your operating system.
    4. Set export.filename.format to include the text and variables you want to use to create the name of the exported file.
      For example, you can set export.filename.format to [FIELD1]_[FIELD2]_[FIELD3]_[FIELD4]. Additional examples are provided in Appendix B, "Variables to Create Export File Names."
      File names must not contain spaces or the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |. If any of these characters appears in a file name, Output Agent replaces the characters with dashes.
  8. Under [Layout], complete the following steps:
    1. Change to FALSE.
    2. Leave layout.header undefined.
    3. Change any other setting to modify the layout format as needed.
  9. Under [Logging], you can set debug levels for auditing or troubleshooting.
    The default is 0 (no logging). Unless you are troubleshooting an issue, set minimal logging.
  10. Save your changes to the configuration file and close it.
  11. To start the Output Agent service, complete the following substeps:
    1. Navigate to the $(IMAGENOWDIR)/bin directory.
    2. Set up environment variables for the Perceptive Content binaries, by running . ./
    3. Enter the ./inserverOutput -start <instance name> command.
      The instance name is assigned when you install the service. You must identify which installed instance of the service you are starting.