Default Tablespaces - Perceptive Content Database Install Guide - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Perceptive Content Database Install Guide

Perceptive Content
Perceptive Content Database Install Guide
Foundation 24.1

The INOW database requires three tablespaces by default and the database scripts will expect the following tablespaces to exist during object creation.

The tablespaces can be manually pre-created or you can update the SunflowerPG.sql file and define the tablespace locations and the script will attempt to create the tablespaces for you.

If the script will be creating the tablespaces for you then be sure to modify the LOCATION appropriately within the script for each of the following three tablespaces.

Note: The directories that you specify must already exist; They will not be created for you.

The INOW_System tablespace will contain all the postgres specific system objects.

The INOW_Data tablespace will contain all the inuser schema tables.

The INOW_Indx tablespace will contain all the inuser schema indexes.