Create the INUSER database user using SQL*Plus - Perceptive Content Database Install Guide - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Perceptive Content Database Install Guide

Perceptive Content
Perceptive Content Database Install Guide
Foundation 24.1

The SunflowerORA.sql script will attempt to create the INUSER account if it does not already exist and if the default (DATA) and index (INDX) tablespaces exist. Alternatively, you can manually create the INUSER account. To create the INUSER database user using SQL*Plus, complete the following step.

You can create the INUSER database user using SQL*Plus or any other tool that allows you to execute SQL against the INOW database. Ensure that the INUSER account has the following minimum privileges. You can grant additional privileges to INUSER as needed.

Run the following commands:

create user INUSER identified by imagenow
default tablespace DATA
account unlock;
grant create session, resource, select any dictionary to inuser;
alter user inuser quota unlimited on DATA;
alter user inuser quota unlimited on INDX;