Default Tablespaces - Perceptive Content Database Install Guide - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Perceptive Content Database Install Guide

Perceptive Content
Perceptive Content Database Install Guide
Foundation 24.1

Once you create the Oracle database, you can then create the tablespaces and INUSER database user and objects. The downloaded Perceptive Content Server files include the SunflowerORA.sql file.

The INUSER schema utilizes two tablespaces by default and the database scripts will expect the following tablespaces to exist during object creation. You are free to use your preferred storage options (ASM, OMF, etc.) for the database files.

You can manually pre-create the tablespaces or you can update the SunflowerORA.sql file and define the datafile locations and the script will attempt to create the tablespaces for you. Be sure to configure datafiles to autoextend appropriately.

The DATA tablespace contains all the tables. If the script will be creating the tablespace then be sure to modify the path appropriately for the v_data_location variable.

The INDX tables contains all the indexes. If the script will be creating the tablespace then be sure to modify the path appropriately for the v_index_location variable.