The UPGRADE_SETUP procedure is used to create and populate the IN_DB_UPGRADE_CONTROL_UPGRADE table, which holds the default parameter values that are used if not otherwise specified when executing the upgrade procedures.
The SYNC_SETUP procedure is used to create the IN_DB_UPGRADE_CONTROL_SYNC table ,which holds the default parameter values that are used if not otherwise specified when executing the synchronization procedures. The SYNC_SETUP procedure and IN_DB_UPGRADE_CONTROL_SYNC table only apply to upgrades with a starting schema version less than
Upgrade and synchronization (EP2 7.5) default parameter values
For all upgrades TARGET_VERSION '' DEFAULT_PARALLEL 0 DEFAULT_LOGGING 'LOGGING' For upgrades starting with schema versions less than DEFAULT_MAX_MINUTES 0 SYNC_BATCH_SIZE 50000 SYNC_BULK_LIMIT 10000 SYNC_VALIDATE_FK 'YES' SYNC_KEEP_SRC_TABLE 'YES' SYNC_DATA_TS_NAME 'DATA' SYNC_INDX_TS_NAME 'INDX' For upgrades starting with schema versions less than MSG_DATA_TS_NAME 'IN_MQ_D' MSG_INDX_TS_NAME 'IN_MQ_I' For all upgrades TABLESPACE_NAME 'DATA'
- For any parameters that you do not want to take the default value for, pass the appropriate parameter value when executing UPGRADE_SETUP procedure.
- For more details, refer to the UPGRADE_SETUP usage notes and parameters section.
- To create and populate the IN_DB_UPGRADE_CONTROL_UPGRADE table, execute the following