This table holds information about modified rows in the source table (IN_DOC).
For every row modified (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) in the source table (IN_DOC) the SYNC_TRG_DOC trigger will insert a row into the staging table to stage it for synchronization by the SYNC_TABLE_IN_DOC procedure.
If document creation volumes are high, this staging table will also grow. Be sure to execute the SYNC_TABLE_IN_DOC procedure periodically to synchronize the new IN_DOC table (NEW_DOC) with the current IN_DOC table.
During the execution of the SYNC_TABLE_IN_DOC procedure, to synchronize data between the source and destination tables, rows are processed in batches according to the batch size and ordered by the STAGE_ID to promote a first in first out process. After a batch of rows has been successfully processed and committed then the rows will be removed from the staging table.