The UPTIME_STEPS procedure will execute all the necessary procedures that contain qualifying uptime steps, in the order they should be executed. To minimize the impact of executing the uptime steps, it is recommended to execute this procedure during periods of low activity.
This procedure accepts the MAX_MINUTES parameter to impose a limit on the amount of work that is completed per execution of the procedure.
To further reduce the impact to other users, consider using smaller values for the degree of parallelism (PARALLEL) to limit the number of processors that the procedure can use. Note that using less processors will result in the operation taking longer to complete.
Alternatively, using a higher degree of parallelism and a smaller value for MAX_MINUTES can help to complete a single task as quickly as possible.
The use of these parameters can help to facilitate the incremental creation of the required objects during uptime in the days or hours leading up to the downtime with minimal impact to the rest of the system.
- You may also consider leveraging Oracle consumer groups and map the UPGRADE or SYNC client identifiers (CLIENT_ID) to a specific consumer group to restrict the resources that an upgrade or synchronization procedure may utilize. Beware that doing so may result in a slower upgrade or downtime event if the upgrade processes are constrained and unable to run freely.
- You can schedule this procedure or manually execute it as necessary to incrementally execute the uptime steps at any point after upgrade setup and prior to the execution of the downtime steps.
This procedure executes the following procedures in the following order: SCHEMA_UPGRADE_7220_7230, SCHEMA_UPGRADE_7403_7500, UPTIME_STEPS_IN_DOC