Review the product readme for information about enhancements and changes for Perceptive Integration Server.
Important Refer to the Perceptive Content Technical Specifications guide for system requirements.
To upgrade an existing version of Integration Server to the latest version, complete the following steps.
- Stop Tomcat.
- Back up the entire [path]/${TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps /integrationserver folder. You do not need to back up [path]/${TOMCAT_HOME}/work/Catalina/localhost/integrationserver.
- Delete the [path]/${TOMCAT_HOME}/work/Catalina/localhost/integrationserver directory.
- If you used the Windows installer to install Integration Server, uninstall it.
- Download the WAR file.
- Place the integrationserver.war file into [path]/${TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps /.
- Start Tomcat to extract the WAR file. For more information about extracting the WAR file in Tomcat, refer to the Integration Server Installation Guide.
- Compare the WEB-INF/integrationserver.ini file in your backup to the new WEBINF/integrationserver.ini file and copy the settings from the older file to the new one if necessary.
- Restart Tomcat.
- After verifying that Integration Server is deployed, you can safely remove the backup directory as needed.