To update Output Agent on Windows, run the installer according to the Output Agent Installation and Setup Guide. To update Output Agent on Linux, perform the following steps:
- From /inserver/bin, stop the Output Agent service. To stop the services, enter the following information. ./inserverOutput –stop
- Copy the inserverOutput.ini file from the /inserver/etc directory to a backup directory.
To download the latest version of Output Agent, perform
the following steps:
- Click Customer Portal, and then click Downloads.
- In the Downloads page, in the right pane, in the Content section, click the Clear Search link.
- In the Downloads page, in the left pane, expand Platform and select your Linux platform.
- Expand Product and select Output Agent.
- Expand Product Release and select the appropriate version.
- In the Downloads page, in the right pane, select the check boxes for the latest build of the Output Agent, shown by the highest Build Number and the Linux Supporting Files.
- Click the Download button and then save the files to a temporary directory on your computer.
- From /inserver, unzip and tar the ImageNow_Output_Agent_VERSION#_BUILD#_for_PLATFORM installer file. gunzip ImageNow_Output_Agent_VERSION#_BUILD#_for_PLATFORM.tar.gz tar –xvf ImageNow_Output_Agent_VERSION#_BUILD#_for_PLATFORM.tar
- From the inserver directory, issue the following command to change ownership. chown –R root:bin *
- Compare the previous INI files from your backup copy of the /inserver/etc directory with the new INI files in /inserver/etc. The Windows installer automatically adapts your previous settings to the new settings; however, the installer overwrites any custom comments, settings, or notes that you might have added previously. Alter the new INI files in /inserver/etc as needed. These changes appear in the Appendix B: INI Changes by Release section of this document.
- Start the Output Agent service by running `pwd`/service_name -start for all services in the /inserver/bin directory. ‘pwd’/inserverOutput -start