Drag a file to a workflow queue - Use Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Use Documents

Perceptive Content
Use Documents
Foundation 24.1

To drag a file from your computer's operating system to a workflow queue, which creates a new document, complete the following steps.

  1. In ImageNow Explorer, in the Views pane, under Workflow, select the workflow queue to which you want to add a document.
  2. Drag a file from its file location to the workflow queue search results grid.
  3. The New Document dialog box appears. Assign properties to the document using one of the following processes.
  4. The Send to workflow queue box is already selected. Verify that the workflow queue you want appears in the drop-down.
  5. Optional. Under Document Options, select any of the following.
    • To place the new document under version control, select Add to version control. You must have a Document Control Suite license to use this option.
    • To submit items to Recognition Agent for bar code scanning, select Submit to Content Server.
    • To create a shortcut to the document in another folder, select Create shortcut in folder. A shortcut allows you to reference the document in multiple folders while maintaining the integrity of the document in a single location. If you choose to create a shortcut, the Select Location dialog box will appear when you click on the folder icon. Refer to Select location for more information.
  6. Click OK.