Move a shortcut to a folder - Use Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Use Documents

Perceptive Content
Use Documents
Foundation 24.1

This procedure does not affect the target item associated with the shortcut. To move a shortcut into a folder in the same drawer or in a new drawer, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the folder that stores the shortcuts.
  2. In Folder Viewer, select the shortcuts you want to move.
  3. In the Explorer toolbar, click the Move button.
  4. In the Set Location dialog box, complete the following substeps.
    1. Optional. In the Drawer list, select the drawer associated with the folder.
    2. In the Folder name box, type the beginning or the entire target folder name.
    3. In the Select path list, select the path that points to the folder where you want to store the shortcut.
      Multiple paths might display because your system can contain multiple folders with the same name. Each folder has a unique path, and the path indicates where the folder resides in your system.
  5. Click OK.