Move a page - Use Documents - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Use Documents

Perceptive Content
Use Documents
Foundation 24.1

Items normally consist of one or more pages. You can move pages within the same item or move a page from one item to another. To move a page, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the item.
  2. If the item is a document in version control, check it out.
  3. Complete one of the following actions, depending on the situation.
    Situation Steps
    Move a page within the same item
    • In the Thumbnails pane, drag the item page to the new position.
    Move a page to another item
    1. In the Thumbnails pane, right-click the page you want to move and select Cut.
    2. Open the item to which you are moving the page. If the item is a document in version control, check it out.
    3. Right-click in the Thumbnails pane and then click Paste.
  4. If applicable, check in any documents you checked out.
When you move a page from one item to another, Perceptive Content do not remove the page from the first item until you paste it into the second item.