Perceptive Content use document properties to store, secure, and retrieve a document. Many document properties exist and you assign a set of these properties to best fit your organization's business needs.
When your administrator defines the properties for a document in a capture profile or an application plan, the administrator defines the method you use to assign property values as well as the type of information you can assign.
To make a document distinguishable from other documents, you must assign a Type value from a pre-defined list of values. In addition, depending on how your administrator defined the properties for a document, you must assign a unique name and location (a name along with a folder) or a unique set of document keys (Drawer along with Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, or Field5).
Suppose, for example, that your administrator creates a capture profile for you to scan new employment applications. In the capture profile, your administrator might specify for you to assign property values to a new employment application by linking it to a record in your business application, scanning a barcode with the new employment application, manually entering property values, or using a combination of these methods. Your administrator will specify the method in the capture profile that best fits your organization's process to capture new employment applications.