To search within the contents of a folder, you simply
open a folder. The contents of the folder display according to the
folder content view associated with the folder type.
When searching for folder contents, you can use the
Search feature on the Content tab to perform your search. When you
use the Search feature, you can search for documents, subfolders,
and shortcuts based on a composite property, a content property
(which applies to the document, folder, or shortcut), a custom property,
a date, the document or folder status, a physical property, a user,
or a workflow item property.
If the folder type associated with the folder content view allows
you to search within subfolders, you can also create a folder content
search that also searches within all subfolder levels available
in the folder hierarchy.
The Quick Search feature is not available for folder content
searching. You cannot create private filters to save folder content
For example, Alex is a medical records technician who stores
each patient chart in a folder. Within each patient folder, Alex
creates a subfolder for each visit the patient makes to any of his
hospital system'sfacilities.Within each patient visit subfolder,
there are additional subfolders for each physician who saw the patient
during his visit. Alex needs to find a patient's pathology report, but
is unsure of which visit the pathology report is associated with,
and which physician created the pathology report. Alex searches
the patient's chart folder, chooses to search within subfolders,
and the search results contain documents stored in any subfolder
associated with the patient's chart, regardless of their position
in the hierarchy.
As another example, Alex knows the patient visit in which
the pathology report was created, but does not know which physician
created the report. Alex opens the subfolder associated with the
patient visit within the patient's chart, searches within subfolders,
and the search results only contain documents stored in any subfolder
associated with the patient visit he selected.