To search for items, containers, and shortcuts in a container and all of its subcontainers in the hierarchy, complete the following steps.
Depending on the number of subcontainers in the container
you selected as a basis for the search, the search might take longer than
typical for a standard content search.
- Open the container.
- In the viewer, click .
- In the Search pane, click Add.
- In the Add Condition dialog box, in the Constrain by list, click the container content search constraint to use.
- In the Type list, select the type of search to perform.
- In the Field list, select the container field to use in the search.
- In the Operator list, select an operator to use when comparing the field and the value.
- In the Value box, select or type a value for the search.
- Click OK.
- Select the Search within subfolders check box and click Go.