When you use the Search tab for record searches, several conditions are available. The Add Condition dialog box allows you to build a search using a combination of the constraints, fields, operators, and values described in the following topic.
Record searching guidelines
When building a record search condition in the Add Condition dialog box, consider the following guidelines.
- If you are performing a prompted search, a message box appears prompting you for a value to use in the search.
- If you are performing a LearnMode search, you must select an application plan in the Add Condition dialog box.
- If you are performing a variable search, you can select one of the following values to use as a variable for the current user: user name, first name, last name, title, organization, organization unit, locality, or user ID. You can also use the current date and time as a variable.
Composite property
Composite properties are defined by your Perceptive Content administrator. The operators that appear depend on the type of custom property.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by composite property.
- Composite
- In the Composite list, select a composite property.
- Field
- In the Field list, select a custom property.
Custom property
Custom properties are defined by your Perceptive Content administrator. The operators that appear depend on the type of custom property.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by custom property.
- Custom property
- Select a custom property.
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on a date value. To specify a value, type a value or select a value from the calendar.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by date.
- Created
- The date the record was captured.
- Last viewed
- The date a user last viewed the record.
- Modified
- The date a user last modified the record.
Declared property
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on the record’s metadata.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by record metadata.
- Addressees
- The name of the organizations or individuals to whom a record is addressed.
- Author
- The person, office, or designated position responsible for creation or issuance of a record.
- Date filed
- The date and time that the electronic document was filed and declared a record.
- Format
- The computer file format of the record.
- Media type
- The material or environment on which the record information is inscribed.
- Originating organization
- The official name or code identifying the office responsible for the creation of a record.
- Publication date
- The date the author or originator completed the development of the record.
- Received date
- The date the addressees received the record.
Page metadata
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on the page metadata. The operators that appear depend on the type of metadata property.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by page metadata.
- Email - Attachment count
- The number of files attached to the email.
- Email - Bcc
- The email address of the recipient who was blind copied on the email.
- Email - Cc
- The email address of the recipient copied on the email.
- Email - From
- The sender’s email address.
- Email - Received date
- The date the email was received.
- Email - Reply to
- The email address of the recipient who received a reply to the original email.
- Email - Sent date
- The date the email was sent.
- Email - Subject
- The subject of the email.
- Email - To
- The recipient’s email address.
- PDF - Creating application
- The application used to create initial record content.
- PDF - PDF version
- The version of the PDF record.
- PDF - Producing application
- The application used to render content to PDF.
- PDF - Producing application version
- The version of the application used to render content to PDF.
- PDF - Security settings
- The security settings applied to the PDF record.
- Photo - Bit depth
- The bit depth of the transferred file.
- Photo - Caption
- A short description of the image.
- Photo - Compression format
- The file compression method used (if applicable) for the image.
- Photo - Compression level
- The file compression level (medium, high, and so on) selected for the image.
- Photo - Copyright
- A restriction on the use of the image due to a copyright or other intellectual property right.
- Photo - EXIF information
- Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF). The information embedded in the header of the image files (as TIFF tags or JPEG markers) by certain digital cameras. For example, the digital camera’s make and model.
- Photo - ICC/ICM profile
- International Color Consortium/Image Color Management (ICC/ICM). The custom or generic color profiles, if available, for the digital camera or scanner used. For example, standard Red Green Blue (sRGB).
- Photo - Image height
- The image height, in pixels.
- Photo - Image width
- The image width, in pixels.
- Photo - Image source
- The original medium used to capture the image.
- Photo - Photographer
- The full name (and rank, if military) and organization (agency, if federal) of the photographer credited with the photograph, if available.
- Scanned - Bit depth
- The bit depth relative to the image encoding standard.
- Scanned - Format
- The format of the scanned image.
- Scanned - Resolution
- The image resolution relative to the image encoding standard.
- Web - Capture date
- The date the record was captured.
- Web - Capture method
- The name and description of the harvester used to capture the file.
- Web - Contact
- The point of contact information for the person responsible for capturing the web record.
- Web - Content management system
- The application used to manage files on the web.
- Web - File name
- The name of the web file.
- Web - Web platform
- The software applications and, if available, intended browser applications and versions.
- Web - Website name
- The title of the website from the landing page.
- Web - Website URL
- The URL of the transferred content’s landing page.
Record key
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on a record key value.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by record key.
- File Plan
- The file plan value for the record. If you specified a different label for the File Plan column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Field1
- The Field1 value for the record. If you specified a different label for the Field1 column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Field2
- The Field2 value for the record. If you specified a different label for the Field2 column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Field3
- The Field3 value for the record. If you specified a different label for the Field3 column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Field4
- The Field4 value for the record. If you specified a different label for the Field4 column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Field5
- The Field5 value for the record. If you specified a different label for the Field5 column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Type
- The type value for the record. If you specified a different label for the Type column for the selected view, the label you defined appears in the Field list.
- Any key
- The value for the File plan, Type, Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, or Field5 associated with the document.
Record property
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on a record property value.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by document property.
- Created within (days)
- The number of days within which the record was captured.
- Hold name
- The name of the retention hold applied to the record.
- Hold reason
- The reason for the hold.
- Name
- The name of the record.
- Number of pages
- The total number of pages in the record.
- Record ID
- The unique ID of the record.
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on a status value.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by status.
- Has physical file reference
- Whether the record has a reference to a physical file.
- Has hold applied
- Whether the record is under a direct or inherited retention hold.
The following operators and fields allow you to search for records based on a user value. You can type an alphanumeric value or select any valid user name.
- Operators
- is equal to
- Fields
- The following fields are available when constraining by user.
- Created by
- The user who created the record.
- Last viewed by
- The user who last viewed the record.
- Modified
- The user who last modified the record.
- Pending approval by
- The user assigned to an approval task for the record.