Group search results by document keys - Use Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Perceptive Content - external

Use Forms

Perceptive Content
Use Forms
Foundation 24.1

You can group document or workflow search results for the active view or filter in descending order by the defined document keys. To group search results in Perceptive Content by document keys, complete the following steps.

  1. In the search results grid, right-click a column heading, and then select Group by Keys.
  2. Optional. To expand the grouped results, right-click a column headings, and then click Expand All Groups.
  3. Optional. To save the current column layout, complete one of the following options.
    • If you selected a view, save the search column layout as a private filter.
    • If you selected a filter, save the column layout for the filter.