To search for text in an item, complete the following steps.
- Open the item you want to search.
- Position the mouse pointer where you want to begin the search, right-click, and then click Find.
- In the Find dialog box, in the Find what box, type the text string you want to find.
Perform any of the following optional tasks to refine
the search:
- To specify that the results of the search contain the entire string you entered, select Match whole word only.
- To specify that the results of the search match the uppercase and lowercase characters of the value string you entered, select Match case.
- To search up from the mouse pointer position you specified, under Direction, select Up. To search down, select Down.
- Click Find Next to highlight each occurrence of the value string beginning at the insertion point.
- Optional. If you reach the end or beginning of the item and want to continue searching from the beginning, click Find Next again.