To search for a document based on the contents of the
document’s Notes pane, complete the following steps.
When you search on notes, you can search on only the
first 50 characters of the field.
In the Views pane, select
a view to use as a basis for your search.
In the right pane, click the Search tab
and then complete the following substeps.
Click the Add
In the Add Condition dialog box,
in the Constrain by list, select Document
In the Type list, select the
search type to use.
In the Field list, select Notes.
In the Operator list, select
the operator to use.
If you use the is equal to operator,
you must enter the entire contents of the Notes pane
in the Value box. For this reason,
we recommend using a different operator, such as starts with .
In the Value box, type or select
a value.
Click OK.
Click the Go button.