You can narrow a view to show only records that appear within record folders or record categories that meet certain conditions. To add a container search to a view, complete the following steps.
- In Management Console, in the left pane, click Views.
In the right pane, on the Records tab,
select the view you want to change and click Modify.
Note: You can skip the “Create a view” portion of this procedure if you only want to constrain by a container search.
Complete the following procedures.
Situation Steps Create a view - In the View tab, click the Add button.
- In the Add Condition dialog box, in the Constrain by list, click the record search constraint to use.
- In the Type list, select the type of search to perform.
- In the Field list, select the record field to use in the search.
- In the Operator list, select an operator to use when comparing the field and the value.
- Click OK.
Add a container search - Select the Add Container Search check box. A second conditions box opens.
- Optional. Click the Save
button to save the search.Note: If you uncheck the Add Container Search check box before saving the search, the container search will not be saved.
- Click the Add button on the second conditions box.
- In the Type list, select the type of search to perform.
- In the Field list, select the record field to use in the search.
- In the Operator list, select an operator to use when comparing the field and the value.
- In the Value box, select or type a value for the search.
- Click OK.